How to Be Bigger, Stronger & Faster

busy people

As an entrepreneur, I often use words like hustle, action, implement, and execute.  I subscribe to phrases like, “The early bird gets the worm,” and “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”  In fact, I’ll outwork the early bird by emailing the worm the night before to see where he’ll be in the morning.  You don’t have to be a small business owner to get sucked into this fast paced, high productivity, results-oriented attitude that eventually gets brought into our home and can wreak havoc on your body…if you let it.

Hunt Like a Lioness


Consider the way a mama lion hunts for her pride.  She spends much of her hunting time in what appears to be inactivity.  Lions are not endurance runners and are not known for their stamina.  They only run fast in short bursts and, therefore, need to be close to their prey.  Stalking of the prey and environment, and working together in coordinated groups is key in hunting.  If a lioness expends her energy without this careful analysis, she may waste what little she had and not be able to feed her cubs.  However, when she uses her incredibly powerful energy in a smart and calculated way, she and her pride will never go hungry.

So, how do you expend your energy?  Going after every small prey (“problem” or “busy work”) and wasting your key physical advantage?  Or are you spending a good amount of time in rest and rejuvenation and honing your stalking skills (“analysis”) to determine which prey will feed your family with the shortest burst?

Only 10 more Thursdays until January 1, 2015.  That “New Year’s Resolution” is coming for you fast and furious.  We hope you’ll take some time enjoying inactivity knowing how crucial that part is for you to be the powerful lion in your family, your company, your school, and your community.

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